Our Commitment To
Outdoor Education, Play & Adventure

Our Commitment to Outdoor Education
Hands-on learning in nature has been forgotten when it comes to our modern day public education system and is often not acknowledged as being an integral part of the development of children and young adults. By helping to foster deeper connections with the natural world, we nurture the growth of positive and healthy habits that allow youth and teens to become more compassionate and confident.
An Inspiring Group of Mentors
Our courses are led by a uniquely trained and experienced group of passionate individuals dedicated to year-round mentoring in nature. Not only educators, but students as well, our staff is continuously learning all they can to improve their skills of survival, scouting, archery, and naturalist studies. Our mentors are supported by a wonderful team of volunteers who are also commited to nature-based learning and outdoor education. We carefully train young adults in our MIT (Mentor in Training) Program so they provide the best possible experience for our students.
Outdoor Play & Adventure
Outdoor exploration and play is an absolute necessity when growing up. Children’s minds and bodies must run wild in order to maintain a healthy balance of mental and physical development. Yet sadly today, more children are kept inside because of school work, video games and safety concerns.
We are committed to getting children and young adults into nature each and every day. We achieve this goal by offering a variety of day classes, weekend adventures, homeschool programs and summer camps. With hands-on activities, fun games, and challenging scenarios – students develop real world skills while nurturing their relationship with their local environment.
Nature’s Playground
Do you remember climbing high in the branches of old oaks scattered about the land? What about constructing a fort or shelter with the fallen limbs of that oak? Did you ever shape one of its limbs into a bow and harvest a straight branch for an arrow? Perhaps you once even followed a set of footprints down a muddy river bank…
This is our natural playground – the place where imagination soars, where epic adventures and riddles of natural mystery are locked away, waiting to be discovered and solved by the children of the earth. This natural playground allows children to explore in a natural setting, take risks, learn about courage, build self-reliance, and learn about the earth that provides for everything they may ever need.

What We Offer…
Closer Relationships
We make sure to have a 8:1 student to mentor ratio. Each and every one of our camps has a minimum of 2 paid staff and 1 volunteer assisting students. We also make sure that returning students are paired with their previous mentors whom they are comfortable with.
Nature Immersion
There are a lot of programs out there for outdoor education. But we do not seek to simply educate, but rather saturate, by immersing them in nature over their heads. We want to see them with dirt on their hands, knees, and faces in order to encourage a deeper connection and love for our natural world.
Self-Reliant Skills
We teach children about how to better take care of themselves with the resources they are given. These skills validate themselves when the child begins using them in their day to day lives. Such as being more aware of hazards, keeping track of their belongings, and problem solving on their own.
Affordable Programs
Natureversity works to keep costs as low as possible in order to keep programs affordable. For those families who are unable to afford these costs we have scholarships, discounts as well as volunteering opportunities available.
No matter what class, camp or course you may sign your child up for, they are guaranteed to learn new nature skills, solve new natural mysteries, and have fun on their wild adventures!

How Outdoor Nature Education Impacts All Areas of Learning
Earth Sciences:
- Pursuing scientific inquiry: art of questioning; who, what, when, where, why, and how
- Doing scientific research: art of seeing; observing, recording, measuring
- Learning to be a naturalist: geology, plants, trees, animals, habitats, seasons, sky, weather, and water wisdom
Social Studies:
- Learning local history: native skills of living, land usage, explorers, and early pioneers
- Discussing environmental concerns: sustainability of local, state, national and global resources
- Applying concepts: map making and reading, chart and graph design, listing, ordering and organizing information
- Quantifying information: comparing and measuring of tracks and trails, structure design, counting in combination with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Language Arts:
- Reading: nature literature
- Writing: detailed note taking, journaling skills, writing and telling stories and plays (fiction and non-fiction)
- Communication skills: art of questioning, formulating theories; gathering and presenting data found in field; problem-solving in a group setting and solo
- Learning to focus: paying attention to detail; listening in a group
Art & Music:
- Observing: learning to see with the mind’s eye; making accurate detailed descriptions
- Drawing: applying basic drawing skills combined with observation skills; students are encouraged to use a wide variety of styles with any media desired; confidence building in journaling, mapping, and drawing; working together in a group setting
- Listening: learning to be patient, quiet, and listen with the entire body; sound and music making with natural objects
Physical Activity:
- Being outdoors: group and free play; getting close to nature; learning about one’s own body and what it is capable of
- Getting exercise: physical fitness through running, jumping, climbing, crawling, throwing, building, harvesting; learning the proper diet of living on the land